How to Create WooCommerce Redirect After Login

WooCommerce Login RedirectIn the dynamic world of e-commerce, user experience plays a pivotal role in retaining customers and driving sales.

One often overlooked aspect is the post-login experience. Imagine this scenario: a customer visits your WooCommerce-powered online store, browses through products, adds items to their cart, and then decides to create an account or log in.

After successfully signing in, what happens next? By default, WooCommerce takes users to their account dashboard, which might not be the most user-friendly approach.

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of optimizing the post-login journey and guide you through implementing a WooCommerce redirect after login using a simple code snippet.

Why WooCommerce Redirect After Login Matters

When customers log in or create an account on your online store, it signifies their intent to engage more deeply with your brand.

However, if they are redirected to a generic account dashboard, they might lose the momentum and enthusiasm they had while shopping. Redirecting users to a more personalized and relevant page can significantly improve user experience and potentially lead to increased conversions.

For instance, sending users to a customized welcome page, their previously viewed products, or their shopping cart can make them feel more valued and help them continue their shopping journey seamlessly.

The Code: WooCommerce Redirect After Login

To implement a WooCommerce redirect after login, you can use a simple code snippet. As “I,” let me walk you through the process step by step:

  1. Access Your Theme’s Functions.php File: Begin by accessing your WordPress theme’s functions.php file. You can do this through your WordPress admin dashboard by navigating to Appearance > Theme Editor > Theme Functions (functions.php).
  2. Add the Redirect Code: Inside the functions.php file, you’ll need to add the following code snippet:
function custom_login_redirect($redirect, $user) {
// Check if the user is logging in from the WooCommerce login page
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'woocommerce/my-account') !== false) {
// Redirect users to the desired page after login
$redirect = ''; // Replace with your desired URL
return $redirect;

add_filter('woocommerce_login_redirect', 'custom_login_redirect', 10, 2);

In this code, you’re creating a custom function custom_login_redirect that checks if the user is logging in from the WooCommerce login page. If so, it redirects them to a custom page of your choice. Make sure to replace '' it with the actual URL of the page you want users to be redirected to.

Save Your Changes: After adding the code snippet, make sure to save the changes to your functions.php file.


By implementing a WooCommerce redirect after login, you can elevate the user experience on your online store. This small yet effective customization can lead to improved customer satisfaction, increased engagement, and ultimately, higher conversions. Tailoring the post-login experience shows that you value your customers’ time and preferences, making them more likely to return for future purchases.

In this blog post, we’ve covered the importance of optimizing the post-login journey and provided you with a simple code snippet to implement the WooCommerce redirect after login. Take the next step to enhance your online store’s user experience and reap the rewards of a more engaged and satisfied customer bas